Ulla Blomhøj

Digital Learning Specialist

T: (+45) 35 32 05 58
M: ulla.blomhoj@sund.ku.dk

Welcome to the realm of e-learning! I'm Ulla, a Digital Learning Specialist with passion in educational transformation.
I have expertise in learning within Absalon, and al its many hidden potentials waiting to be discovered by teachers at UCPH.
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, digital literacy is paramount. I am working on the 2023 strategic initiatives at KU with focus on Digital Literacy and I hope it will be used by many teachers at UCPH.
ChatGPT is a big interest of mine, and I am exploring its potentials for teachers and how it can help create captivating online experiences and give our student feedback in their learning.

ulla blomhoej

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, engage me and I learn!

Benjamin Franklin