17 January 2024

Communities of practice – everything is easier when you’re not alone!

Collegial supervision

Does this sound familiar: You love teaching, and you really want to implement this one new cool tool in your course, but you never get around to do it with your busy schedule, so you postpone to the next semester?


THEN MAYBE IT'S TIME to try some collegial supervision? Get things done together with colleagues?

UCPH’s material on collegial supervision has just been updated. You will find instructions on how to conduct structured collegial supervision together with time estimates. You define your own didactical challenges and develop your pedagogical skills together with colleagues.

Find more information on the Teaching Portal (UCPH login required):

Collegial sparring In English
Kollegasparring In Danish

(Structured collegial supervision is approved as activity in connection with didactic/pedagogical competence development of experienced teachers at SUND.)
